I was born in Barcelona and I have a degree in Fine Arts. As a professional graphic designer and illustrator, I have worked for publishing houses such as Planeta, Penguin Random House, Península and Pòrtic. I have published in El Periódico de Cataluña. I have also collaborated with the Barcelona City Council and have carried out a wide variety of projects for companies linked to the world of culture. I have taught at various centres, including the Escuela Massana. I have illustrated books for various publishers. I received the Junceda Illustration Award 2016 in the category of Fiction for adults for Serratología Serratología (Serratology, Comanegra, 2015). As a writer, I have published Manual de autoayuda para suicidas (Self-help Manual for Suicides, Comanegra, 2016), Raros, radicales y rebeldes, Raras, radicales y rebeldes (Weird, radical and rebellious Men, Weird, radical and rebellious Women, Modernito Books, 2018 and 2021), Manual de fundamentos del diseño gráfico (Fundamentals of Graphic Design, Berenice, 2022), Eso no estaba en mi libro de historia del diseño gráfico (That wasn't in my Graphic Design History Book, Almuzara, 2023) and Almas rotas del rock (Broken Souls of Rock, Redbook Ediciones, 2024). Soon, Historia del dibujo y la ilustración, (History of Drawing and Illustration, Berenice), will appear.
Photograph by ©Daniel Sesé